We sell almost 100 boxes of Girl Scout cookies! ~ good
I am dead tired. ~ not so good
I take the kids out to dinner. ~ good
We have to wait and wait for our meal. ~ not so good
But we have our favorite waitress. ~ good
One of the senior gentlemen at the table next to ours hollers over to me. ~ not so good
He hollers: "What's your secret?" ~ good
My response: "Me??" in total shock. ~ not so good
His reply: "Yes! What's your secret? I see a mom walk in with four kids and I cringe. Yours are delightful! You must be doing something right! Whatever it is, keep doing it. You must be doing something right!" ~ good, no, great.
That gentleman will never know how much I needed to hear that tonight. My mind's been spinning in negative circles lately about how I'm not doing something right somewhere or some such stuff, but he's right. I have delightful children (most of the time) and need to work on those negative thought cycles.
Back to the story:
I forget to give the waitress our coupon and have to wait for her to re-figure our check. ~ not so good
She returns to tell me that the gentlemen have left money to buy each of the kids a scoop of ice cream. ~ good Excuse me?! I am floored and almost choke-up.
The kids are allergic to everything on the desert menu. ~ not so good
They can get something else she says, to take home with them. ~ good
They can't decide what they want. ~ not so good
They pick something, then change their minds, and the order can still be changed. ~ good
We have to wait another 30 minutes for their treat. ~ not so good
We finally leave at 9 pm. ~ good
The van suddenly stalls on our way home. ~ not so good
I manage to steer it into a turning space on the median. ~ good
We are out of gas. ~ not so good
We can see a gas station from where we are. ~ good
We walk the two blocks to the station to find that the service area is closed and locked and they do not have a gas container. ~ not so good
We walk to the pizza shop to use their phone. ~ good
oops! I forgot. I don't have my cell phone. ~ not so good
I cannot find my roadside assistance card to call for help. ~ not so good
The pizza delivery man offers to give us a ride. ~ good
I have too many car seats. ~ not so good
There is a fire station a block in the other direction. ~ good
We walk there and ask for help. They too do not have a gasoline canister. ~ not so good
They offer us a warm place to sit, turn on the Disney channel for the kids and call for roadside assistance. ~ good, no, a God-send
A police officer comes instead, also without gas. ~ not so good
He offers to take me to a different gas station, but agrees to take me home instead since that is closer. I have gas at home! ~ good
We all get in the back of the officers vehicle. ~ I did not feel so good about the five of us back there without a single car seat, although the officer assured me we would not need them.
He asks on the way if my gas gage is broken. ~ not so good
No. I pulled up to a station, but due to a fussy babe, decided to go get dinner first. "I bet you won't make that decision again." No. I won't. Thank you.
We arrive home safe. ~ good
Jesse arrives home just as I retrieve gas from our garage. ~ double good
It is Thursday. Jesse teaches late. He usually gets home at 10:30 pm but was a bit early tonight. Perfect timing.
Jesse goes back with the officer to retrieve our stranded vehicle. ~ very good
Jesse fills up the van's gas tank. ~ also good
And all the children quickly go to bed and fall asleep. ~ so good, so very, very, good
And that is our good and not so good adventure, and how we got stranded and brought home in the back of a police car, and why I was nursing in said car, but how it all turned out well in
the end.
What are your family adventure stories?
eta: I haven't asked him yet, but another layer to this story is "What was Jesse thinking when he rode up on his bike at 10:20pm to find a police car parked in front of the house with three of our children inside?" good? or not so good?
I'd suspect that officer never had a fussy baby at a gas station stop. ;) I've pushed the envelope several times, for that very reason. And loved your Angel Grandpa at the restaurant. I want to be that person more often, bringing smiles to a stranger's day. Love it. Glad you're home safely. And that the kiddos are asleep. ;) You deserve some rest, mama, but glad you took the time to capture it in words before crashing asleep. These are the nights that make the best family memories, in hindsight. :) I can still tell you, with great detail, some of those Family Adventures from my youth... and they're some of my favorites.
Wow... it sounds like, given the circumstances, you and the kids all handled themselves very well!!
Thank you both! I brought many smiles to the firemen's faces today when I dropped off what was left of our GirlScout cookie stash. (The officer wouldn't take any.) They even thanked me over their loudspeaker as I walked away. "Passing on" is fun. =) (I just hope they save some for the man who helped us last night.)
Maya, David just shivered and Leah said, "Mommy, you shouldn't ever leave a station again without getting gas." They were all great, especially watching TV. ;) (We don't have it anymore.)
What Jesse was thinking as he rode up to the house.
There's a police officer in front of my house! ~ not so good!
Our diaper bag is inside it! ~ might not be good.
And the children. ~ Where's their mother!
Ah THERE SHE IS! With a gas can! ~VERY good.
Wooo!!! What a story!!! YEs, this will DEFINITELY be right up there with family favorite stories!!!! And so glad you *recorded* it here, so will be easier to remember in future days!! I'm so PROUD of you all for handling this all so amazingly well!!!
Loved how you wrote this with all the little 'ups' and 'downs' :-). Delightful!! And loved Jesse's addendum, too! Boy, I'll have to get on here more regularly to catch up on exciting adventures of the grandkids and their wonderful mom :-)
Love you all!
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