winter lettuce
Numerous friends have asked how and when we garden. First, I don't. Well, I guess you could say I am the planner, not the planter. I have a say on what goes into the ground and where. Jesse and the kids do all the rest. I have bragging rights too. =) He uses Square Foot Gardening, (but the 1981 version) The Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening, (again, the old one is on our shelf) and his love for the earth/experience growing up. Now this is being passed on to our children, and I love it.
The spring lettuce went into the ground the beginning of March. It had the cold frame around it for the first few weeks. Now it is frame free and tall.
You rock, dude. We put in a couple of pathetic little containers of tomatoes today... pale in comparison to your collective efforts!
Sadie said she was enjoying it, and I was like, "That's one way in which you differ from your mother!" I do not like nature. I like to eat nature, but I don't like to touch nature.
Hi, I was browsing the topic of babywearing and came across your blog. I just decided to do this myself when our baby is born in June/July. I am not getting a lot of support from friends around me but would love to hear any advice you might have to offer!
The photo above is BEAUTIFUL!
HBM ~ Welcome! and congratulations! I've worn all my children in slings and loved every moment. I'm sorry your friends are not supportive. :( I hope when they see how happy your baby is when kept close to you and how easy it makes things for you, they change their minds. I'll try to get a slinging post up here soon. Happy babywearing!
well, we have our first 4 x 4 plot with two cantelope,a pepper and some marigolds...and a cucumber sprouting on my counter to be planted next week maybe yay...i have waited fifteen long years to plant this garden. i think that is when i picked up the book at a used book store...fifteen years
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