Friday, June 12, 2009

Elizabeth Rose

Isn't my new niece just the prettiest baby ever? I just want to snuggle right up with her. She better be careful or Leah will give her a new name. (Leah's latest name from Anna is Anna Cutie.)

Elizabeth arrived yesterday morning, welcomed by her brother Joseph and sister Catherine. Tonight I was out shopping for them. When David was born, one of my LLL leaders gave me a gift bag with a few things for him and books for Sarah. I decided then and there to carry on the tradition. When my friends have a baby, the siblings receive gifts too. A few books or toys. Some small special thing for them.

When I went to check-out, a woman stopped me to ask about my sling. I could tell that she was truly interested, wanting to know where I got the rings, asking about the padding. She shared that she had four grown children, wore them all and birthed all but one at home. She said it was encouraging for her, to see me and Anna and our sling. I said it was encouraging for me, to know that all the intense mothering I do now will pay off.

One day, all too soon, my children will be adults. I will admire a mother's sling. One of my daughters will help me shop and assist a mother holding her babe close. I want to remember the joy, peace and connection that the mother and her daughter shared with me tonight. That is what I want at the end. The encouragement we gave each other, is what we all need along the way.

Joy, Peace and Connection to you Elizabeth Rose! Welcome!

1 comment:

Maya / מיה said...

Wow!! She's so beautiful. Congrats Brian and Andrea!!